Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Car Free Day in Denpasar

Continuously increasing usage of motor vehicles in Bali, especially Denpasar as the main urban area, which which exceeded available roads has brought into various negative impacts including traffic jams, pollution, and global warming. Therefore the Joint Secretariat of Cycling Groups (SAMAS) which consists of 28 cycling groups suggests real action to promote cycling culture in Bali.

The idea was presented when the executives of SAMAS paid a visit to Bali Press House, Ketut Nadha, on Tuesday (July 28th). Advisor Jaya Kusuma, President Dewa Made Merthaloka, VP Bagus Purnamadi, VP Kadek Sudiarta, Secretary Endra Datta, and Treasurer Gusti Ngurah Budhita were welcomed by the Chairman of Bali Post Media Group, Satria Naradha.

Among the action was suggesting the Mayor of Denpasar to implement car free day in certain roads in Denpasar. The suggestion was positively responded by the Mayor. Car free day will be declared on August 15th 2009 by the Mayor of Denpasar at Puputan Square, Denpasar. Starting August 16th 2009, residents of Denpasar will start to enjoy car free day.

Satria Naradha expressed his positive respond toward the idea of restoring cycling culture in Bali. Whilst he realized that it will be difficult to be implemented in Bali, he expected the government to provide bicycle lane, especially for students. He believed that privision of bicycle lane has been an expression of appreciation to bicycle users.