Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Banjar Anggarkasih Sanur Won the First Place

From Ogoh-ogoh competition held by Denpasar government in order to celebrate Nyepi and their capitol city annual anniversary, had already has its winners. They are Ogoh-ogoh “Wayang Sapuh Leger” made by Sekaa Teruna Dharma Yowana Br. Anggarkasih Sanur of South Denpasar to win the first place in this competition with 6.335 point from the seventh juries. It is followed by ST. Yowana Saka Bhuana, Br. Taensiat Denut District with 6.325 points and ST. Werdi Sesana, Br. Tege, Denut District with 6250 points, respectively as the second and third winner. Meanwhile for the fourth, fifth and six places won by ST. Swastika Br. Pekambingan, ST. Br. Gemeh and ST. Eka Cita Br Abian Kapas Kaja. Read more about Ogoh-ogoh competition here.