Sunday, November 29, 2009

Everyday Bali Produce 750 Ton Plastics Rubbish

As a small island, everyday Bali produces 5000 ton rubbish. From that amount 750 of them was plastic which is totally dangerous for environment.

This revealed in ‘Say No To Plastic’ campaign that was held at Mall in Kuta on November 27th.

In this campaign, every visitor who come and shopping in the supermarket in this mall is suggested to bring their own bag which can be used repeatedly.

”We invite the customer to participate in reducing the amount of plastic trash in Bali with carrying their shopping bag from home,” said Store Manager Mall, Nyoman Erawati.

Based on the publication data at, Bali produces around 5000 ton rubbish per day. From that total amount, 750 ton of them are plastic. That weight is equal with 167 trucks. This could trigger serious problem for our environment.

“Carrying used your own bag moreover you can use it repeatedly is considered the most effective and practical to reduce the negative effect of plastic bag toward the environment,” said Alex Ryan, the spokesman of ‘Bali Cantik Tanpa Plastik’, a campaign volunteer group who get their base in Ubud, Gianyar.

News by Berita Bali

Friday, November 27, 2009

2009 - November

Friday 20 November - ;from 1.15 pm - Hostelling International are celebrating their 100th anniversary worldwide and their 75th in the USA. ;They're putting on a forum on ;Backpack Diplomacy - Youth Travel as a Force for Change and I'll be taking part in the dicussions at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hundred of BlackBerry from Honkong is Confiscated by the Customs

Custom officer of Airport in Tuban Bali confiscated 120 units BlackBerry smuggling phones from Hongkong.

According to the head of Enforcement and Investigation Section of Ngurah Rai Airport Customs, Bagus Endro Wibowo, the confiscated BlackBerry is come from Hongkong. This smuggling is gone through DHL.

”There was hundred of BlackBerry which were confiscated. But after we investigated its receiver name and address is not clear,” he said.

In that confiscation, the Customs party succeeded secured two packets filled with 120 BlackBerry, it was varied from bold for 45 units, 35 units of 8520, BB 9550 for about 15 units also 25 units of Gemini. There was also Chinese hand phone who similar in appearance with Blackberry with XP Mobile type for about 10 units.

In his statement, there are two different names in it’s the receipt. They are Richard More and Jack Nicholas with same address that is at Kuta Paradiso Hotel, Kartika Plaza Street Kuta Bali.

The second packet was for Mr Tsang at RM 1303 New Trend GR 704 Prince Edward Jan Po Kong KLN Hongkong. From that receipts also recorded stuffs wanted to be delivered was stationery.

He added, this smuggling mode can be considered as the newest one, the name and the deliverer made in fictitious.

”We got some difficulty in searching for the receiver of these goods,” he said.
That smuggling BlackBerry is estimated worth for about Rp 517 million. This smuggling cause state losses for around 100 million.

News by Berita Bali

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lemukih in High Tense Again, House Thrown with Rocks

The atmosphere in Lemukih village, Sawan District Buleleng on Friday (November 13th) in the night until Saturday in the early was back into tense. Two groups from Nangka village district and Buah Banjah village district almost clashed each other at the border line of the two villages. A house been thrown by rocks by strangers.

From the information gathered last Saturday, that ruckus happened after four Lemukih citizen considered as the culprit in last October riot. Polres Buleleng – Resort Police of Buleleng – wasn’t arrested those four and they went home on Friday (November 13th) in the evening. Then in Friday night around 10 p.m. several people from Nangka entered Buah Banjah border line riding motorcycles.

People Dusun Buah Banjah get intense and ready for a fight. In that intense atmosphere, Made Samba’ house gets thrown by rocks by stranger. That dispute is suspected still has relationship with land dispute between Lemukih village and several people who still hold that land’ certificate.

Group of people who owned that certificate precisely most of them lived in Buah Banjah. With this Friday night event, several societies’ figures that lived in Buah Banjah get worried and afraid. Since that event usually happened before. That’s why Klian Subak Abian Gunung Sari Buah Banjah Lemukih, Drs. I Made Redata, last Saturday came to Mapolres Buleleng asked for security in Lemukih area, especially at the border line between Nangka and Buah Banjah.

Contacted after asked for that security in Mapolres Buleleng, Redata justified the disputing event at the border line between those two villages. He also corrected that Made Samba’ house was thrown rock by stranger. Moreover, he said that those ruckus events are usually happened especially when it was night. According to Redata, upper part of Nangka village district between upper parts of Buah Banjah village district is indeed stand side by side. If people in Buah Banjah looks like gathering themselves then Nangka villagers will get tense as if they will get surprise attack. “The atmosphere become uncomfortable and it happened almost every night,” he said.

How about the request in Polres Buleleng? Redata said that Polres Buleleng will consider situated their security members in Lemukih. Redata initiated asked for security to Polres Buleleng under people’ safety concern in Lemukih. Redata alone confessed that he precisely lived in Buah Banjah but eventually has no relationship with conflict in Lemukih. “I beg for security in order to secure people safety in Lemukih, all of them, and this action is not under any party,” he said.

Not Arrested

Related to the riot in Lemukih village, Polres Buleleng realized a request to not arrested four culprits. Those four villagers are Gede Sari Mawan alias Gede Sukradana alias Lubak (32 years old) from Banjar Dinas Lemaya, Gede Rodin alias Nang Sugus (32 years old) from Banjar Dinas Desa, Gede Kariana alias Gede Koni (21 years old) form Banjar Dinas Desa, Gede Sudirsa (28 years old) also lived in Banjar Dinas Desa. These four people were released on Friday evening from any suspicion as they ganged up on three citizens the holders of certificate of the land in dispute in a ruckus on last October

Pahumas Polres Bulelelng Kompol Made Sudirsa said that the four culprits were not arrested anymore since they already had guarantee from their legal counsel, Perbekel Lemukih and Klian Dusun in their village. Though they weren’t arrested but legal process of those four will still continued with several continuation investigation. Even there is perhaps other culprit added during the investigation.

News by Bali Post

Monday, November 23, 2009

Three Business of Bali Local Company is Liquidated

In the middle of Governor Proposal forming BUMD PT Bali Mandara precisely had troubled Bali local companies. This condition is extremely worrying. From five local companies, three of them had liquidated since they keep suffer lose. They are chicken breeding farm at Pekarangan, Bedugul for about 3.8 hectare, trade industry business unit at Kamboja Street Denpasar and Bali textile industry (Balitex) in Kesiman (2.8 hectare). Now only two units who keep survive which are vegetable industrial unit in Kembang Mertha Bedugul in Tabanan for about 4.3 hectare and plantation business unit in Jembrana for around 100 hectare.

The director of Bali Local Company, IGN Suteja on Monday (November 16th) asserted that those three failed business had been handed over to the provincial government of Bali. While the profit of the Bali Local Company in 2008 is for about Rp 1.169. 675. 000 from Pulukan coconut plantation land’ compensation result with PY Citra Indah Pralaya Lestari (CIPL). Before in 2007 the profit was Rp 435 million.

He said, Pulukan coconut plantation for around 795 hectare now had cooperated with PT Citra Indah Pralaya Lestari (CIPL) for rubber. “The plant had growth well and the next three years will give some result,” said this formerly Kadisperindag Bali – Head of Bali Trade and Commerce Institution –

Coconut plantation industry decided to join cooperation with PT CIPL because it was estimated that cooperation would give more profit since lot of the coconut trees at there had already old. Moreover, the local company does not have lot of professional employee. That’s make cooperation with a third party which has professionalism is needed. At least from that cooperation, the salary of those who works at Pulukan Plantation who reaches 700 laborers now is under the management of PT CIPL. For now Bali Local Company merely have for about 200 laborers spread around business unit in Sanghyang Plantation and vegetable unit of Kembang Mertha.

News by Bali Post

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lot of Them Remain in Note Only

Equipment Division of Klungkung Government intensively recorded their asset. It is due to the large number of missing assets while their record still exist in administration division of each SKPD – Working Unit Area Device –

That problem is conveyed by the chief of Equipment Division, Nyoman Terima when confirmed on Thursday (November 11th) in Klungkung. He denied that large number of asset such as chair; table, cupboard, etc. are incomplete. As far as there were stuffs that nowhere to be found. But the data alone is still existed. If that problem still remained practically it will be hard to justify it later.

”That’s why we keep conducted this recording while get coordinated with each of working units. In the future if there is ever an unknowing asset then a suggestion to erase it can be proposed. As far as the procedure had been followed since the beginning,” he said.

The asset wasn’t in that kind of stuffs only, Terima predicted that there are other assets like building of land which are improperly recorded. As well as for those who had changed ownership or had functional changed. All of that assets should been recorded well. “We still recording it until today,” he assessed.

Only when asked about large number of regional government asset in shape of shopping complex who had owned their private ownership certificate as before was HGB – Purposely Build Right (rent conept) – Terima confessed that he don’t know that problem exactly. His said that he was a novice in Equipment Division.

”I was new in this division. Moreover, this unit can also be considered as new division also. The asset in addition was handled by Public Division before. Therefore related to that shopping complex I couldn’t say a thing to that matter,” he said.

Whereas, Klungkung Regent, Wayan Candra mentioned that the changing of shopping complex ownership into private ones was correct according to the law and mechanism. The land of that shopping complex wasn’t indirectly handed over by the government. But it had been ruled from generations before. “So the government couldn’t forbid their shifting act from HGB into private ownership certificate. Land’ Office also has the right to gave certificate without local government recommendation” said Chandra.


Before, a council member of Klungkung Regional Legislature, Wayan Mastra regretted it and judged that the executive was weak to keep region asset, especially at the shopping complex. It was since the area utilized by the shop owners in term of HGB shifted into private ownership. Completed with certificate. According to Mantra, Klungkung government should act not merely stand still.

He viewed that ownership shifting of regional government asset wasn’t correct from law point of view. When that shifting act was not under Klungkung government’s knowledge and agreement and still in recommendation state, it is incorrect as far as law concerned. He just doesn’t know the exact data of those shifted ownership of the shopping complex.

He force Klungkung government through their related institution to record their asset under individual ownership as well as in term of HGB or HGP – right to use –
The recording itself, he said, is conducted in order to save regional asset to prevent it become individual asset.

News by Bali Post