Sunday, November 29, 2009

Everyday Bali Produce 750 Ton Plastics Rubbish

As a small island, everyday Bali produces 5000 ton rubbish. From that amount 750 of them was plastic which is totally dangerous for environment.

This revealed in ‘Say No To Plastic’ campaign that was held at Mall in Kuta on November 27th.

In this campaign, every visitor who come and shopping in the supermarket in this mall is suggested to bring their own bag which can be used repeatedly.

”We invite the customer to participate in reducing the amount of plastic trash in Bali with carrying their shopping bag from home,” said Store Manager Mall, Nyoman Erawati.

Based on the publication data at, Bali produces around 5000 ton rubbish per day. From that total amount, 750 ton of them are plastic. That weight is equal with 167 trucks. This could trigger serious problem for our environment.

“Carrying used your own bag moreover you can use it repeatedly is considered the most effective and practical to reduce the negative effect of plastic bag toward the environment,” said Alex Ryan, the spokesman of ‘Bali Cantik Tanpa Plastik’, a campaign volunteer group who get their base in Ubud, Gianyar.

News by Berita Bali