Equipment Division of Klungkung Government intensively recorded their asset. It is due to the large number of missing assets while their record still exist in administration division of each SKPD – Working Unit Area Device –
That problem is conveyed by the chief of Equipment Division, Nyoman Terima when confirmed on Thursday (November 11th) in Klungkung. He denied that large number of asset such as chair; table, cupboard, etc. are incomplete. As far as there were stuffs that nowhere to be found. But the data alone is still existed. If that problem still remained practically it will be hard to justify it later.
”That’s why we keep conducted this recording while get coordinated with each of working units. In the future if there is ever an unknowing asset then a suggestion to erase it can be proposed. As far as the procedure had been followed since the beginning,” he said.
The asset wasn’t in that kind of stuffs only, Terima predicted that there are other assets like building of land which are improperly recorded. As well as for those who had changed ownership or had functional changed. All of that assets should been recorded well. “We still recording it until today,” he assessed.
Only when asked about large number of regional government asset in shape of shopping complex who had owned their private ownership certificate as before was HGB – Purposely Build Right (rent conept) – Terima confessed that he don’t know that problem exactly. His said that he was a novice in Equipment Division.
”I was new in this division. Moreover, this unit can also be considered as new division also. The asset in addition was handled by Public Division before. Therefore related to that shopping complex I couldn’t say a thing to that matter,” he said.
Whereas, Klungkung Regent, Wayan Candra mentioned that the changing of shopping complex ownership into private ones was correct according to the law and mechanism. The land of that shopping complex wasn’t indirectly handed over by the government. But it had been ruled from generations before. “So the government couldn’t forbid their shifting act from HGB into private ownership certificate. Land’ Office also has the right to gave certificate without local government recommendation” said Chandra.
Before, a council member of Klungkung Regional Legislature, Wayan Mastra regretted it and judged that the executive was weak to keep region asset, especially at the shopping complex. It was since the area utilized by the shop owners in term of HGB shifted into private ownership. Completed with certificate. According to Mantra, Klungkung government should act not merely stand still.
He viewed that ownership shifting of regional government asset wasn’t correct from law point of view. When that shifting act was not under Klungkung government’s knowledge and agreement and still in recommendation state, it is incorrect as far as law concerned. He just doesn’t know the exact data of those shifted ownership of the shopping complex.
He force Klungkung government through their related institution to record their asset under individual ownership as well as in term of HGB or HGP – right to use –
The recording itself, he said, is conducted in order to save regional asset to prevent it become individual asset.
News by Bali Post